Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yeast Infection Treatment - Minerals

If you are from a yeast infection treatment, you do not really think of vitamins and minerals as something that you can to cure the infection to. But vitamins and minerals are an important part of your equipment functioning systems and must be harmonious or it will cause a perfect opportunity for the growth of candida albicans (yeast).

The body needs minerals for the maintenance of bones and blood, maintaining a proper composition of the fluids and maintaining a healthy nervous system.Minerals are divided into two types: bulk and trace.

Bulk minerals: include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur. Trace elements include copper. Fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc.

Often, the yeast infection sufferers to show certain mineral deficiencies. For example, a copper deficiency in yeast is encouraged. Copper is a natural fungus fighter used to spray fruits and vegetables. It is also of swimming pools has to delay the spread of fungi. Many prescription medications that have negative treatment on the body proper physiological balance of copper and therefore an important mineral yeast infection.

Contraceptive pill, steroids and antibiotics are three such drugs which deplete the body of copper and thus the yeast to grow unchecked.

Dr. Wilson's book links clearly riding a copper deficiency on the serious consequences of a yeast infection individual.

As mentioned above, a> Lack of chromium is also often associated with yeast infection affected. Chromium is an energizer and a blood stabilizer. It is believed that this mineral helps transport and add insulin to the cell walls. A person who has a chromium deficiency is long sugar, experience fatigue and mood swings have.

Yeast Infection stakeholders in search of a yeast infection treatment can greatly their health by achieving and maintaining proper levels of mineral water in the improvement of theirFacilities.

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