Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Relieve Breast Pains Naturally

Hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of sexual desire and even weight gain are just some of the symptoms associated with menopause. However, there are a lot more to offer than these physical and emotional changes of menopause. One of the menopause problem that not enough attention is paid, is changes in the breast.

As you know, hormonal changes during pregnancy and monthly periods cause breast tenderness and discomfort. This problem is also evident in someWomen in the menopause. If you have experienced breast pain, you know that it's not something you can tolerate. What is more, during menopause, breast complaints filed by physical changes usually last for a few days, weeks or even months.

The first thing you should do if you experience breast pain during menopause is to go to your doctor and have a check. If laboratory tests show that your condition is not really something serious, then make further and can use the tipsbelow to relieve the pain you are feeling in your breasts.

Minimize Your Intake of Fat

Women who love to eat fatty foods seem to be more at risk of experiencing breast discomforts during menopause and even a few days before their monthly period. Studies have shown that too much fat in the body could cause an increase in the level of estrogen in the body.

Too much of anything, including sex hormone estrogen, is never a good thing. Breast lumps and pains are usually due to the Generation of cell tissues and fluids in the chest caused by excess estrogen. To keep with breast lumps and pain, it is important for women to eat to minimize fat, especially those from red meat. It can also be a good idea to veer away from poultry and dairy products contain the artificial hormones and boosters. If you eat chicken or poultry products have, you should be trying to sell in shops selling 100% organic foods.

Comfort Inflamed breasts with a gentleMassage

Another possibility, chest pain is easy with a gentle massage. This will help increase the blood flow in the area. Just make sure you use your fingertips to gently in small circular motions over the entire surface of the breast. If you think that it may nodules or cysts, you can also massage the area around it mildly. Be careful not to rub your breasts vigorously because this can cause even more pain and anger.

Cut Back On Your Caffeine Fix

One of theReasons for your chest pain is too much coffee. Methylxantine found a substance in coffee and other caffeinated beverages rich, irritates the blood vessels and veins, which stretches could aggravate breast tenderness. While you feel pain in the chest, it may be advisable to reduce your intake of coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, and even over-the-counter pain relievers.

Pamper yourself with fiber

We all know that fiber is important in flushing waste matters and toxins in the gutand from the body. People eat, the fiber-rich diet are assured that the waste elimination system is working properly.

Another waste product, fiber can help flush excess estrogen from your body that is responsible for the formation of clots that your baby to be painful and tender will be.

Vegetables that are rich in fiber include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cabbage and kale. Moreover, these vegetables are also rich in indole-3-carbinol, a substance that iscrucial to the inhibition of the binding of estrogen in breast tissue. Iodine is a mineral that aids in the prevention of female sex hormone, in the breast receptors basket.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Iodine and the Importance in Nutrition

The chief treasure of iodine in the body is the thyroid gland. The main thyroxine, which is secreted by this gland, is made by the circulating iodine. Thyroxine is a wonder chemical which controls the basic metabolism and oxygen consumption of tissues. It increases the heart rate as
and urinary calcium excretion. Iodine regulates the rate of energy production and body weight and promotes proper growth. It improves the spiritual zeal and promotes a healthy Hair, nails, skin and teeth.

The best dietary sources of iodine are kelp and other algae. Other good sources are turnip
Vegetables, garlic, watercress, pineapples, pears, artichokes, citrus fruits, egg yolks and shellfish
and cod liver oil. The recommended dietary allowances are 130 mcg. per day for adult men
and 100 mcg. per day for adult women. An increase to 125 mcg. per day during pregnancy and
mcg to 150. not recommended per day during lactation was.> Deficiency can cause goiter and
Enlargement of the thyroid.

Small doses of iodine are of great value in the prevention of goiter in areas where it is endemic,
and the value in treatments, at least in the initial phase. Larger doses have a temporary value
In the preparation of patients with hyperthyroidism for surgical intervention.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steps Toward Managing Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a waxy substance made by the liver in the diet through animal products, which also delivered:

• Meat

• Poultry

• Fish

• Dairy

We need cholesterol in our body to help insulate the nerves, make cell membranes and produce certain hormones. Our bodies are able to have all the cholesterol we make. We do not need to cholesterol in our diet. Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease.Cardiovascular disease is America's No. 1 killer. In this article, you read some of the ways to manage your cholesterol levels.

Step 1: Getting Started

• Call your health care provider to schedule a cholesterol screening

• Eat foods low in saturated and trans fatty acids and cholesterol

• achieving or maintaining a healthy weight

• Maintain a regular routine of physical activity

• Take medication, if necessary, as required

• Follow your healthcare professional'sRecommendations

• A commitment to improve and maintain your health

Step 2: Adjust your diet

• They consume less saturated fat. Watch calories by eating a variety of foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Use fat-free milk or 1% dairy products. Skip to the whole milk dairy products.

• Eat as much fruit and vegetables, as you can. You will find that fruits and vegetables that you fill out and you feel generally satisfied. You should eat at least fiveServings of fruits and vegetables daily.

• Eat more fiber. Eat six or more servings of cereals, bread, pasta and other grain products.

• Eat less meat, especially red meat. Eat fish, poultry without skin and lean meat instead of fat-ones.

Step 3: Get Active

• Swimming

• Cycle

• Jog

• Skiing

• aerobic dance

• Hiking

• Or the multitude of other activities that can help you achieve your goalCholesterol levels (such as your personal doctor or pharmacist determined)

Step 4: Check your progress. With this step, you have:

• Visit your health care provider for cholesterol screening to your figures

• You have set a target cholesterol (with the help of your doctor and advice)

• your risk factors and when you check your cholesterol again was determined between you and your doctor

• You have at your diet by eatinglow in saturated and trans fats, low-cholesterol foods

• You have started and regular physical activity

• the necessary steps to get treated, how you and your personal physician determined. This could include medication if you are not able to lower your cholesterol and keeps them lowered.

In summary of what you need to do to make your HDL and your LDL down (check your cholesterol levels):

• Eat foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol(Read your food labels)

• achieving or maintaining a healthy weight

• Get regular physical activity

• Take medications as prescribed

• Follow your personal physician or pharmacist professional recommendations

• Stick to your plan of action. Manage your cholesterol level is a daily and lifelong commitment.

Source: American Heart Association's online

Disclaimer: * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be treated by a qualified physician.

This article is free to publish with the resource box.

© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which, the thyroid gland produces insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the body than required. Thyroid hormone is closely associated with the metabolism of the body and play a crucial role in the maintenance of all bodily systems to perform their work without interruption.

Hypothyroidism is a disease, it is treated as early as possible to avoid her impending complications. There are many ways to treat hypothyroidism but natural remedies are safer andbe effective. Apart from providing the missing hormones in the body as a complement "to refine" natural remedies to help the body and remove toxins from the body. Natural remedies restore the hormonal levels in the body and make the body organs, and good enough enzymes for a faster and better digestion to produce.

Herbs play a significant role for the thyroid gland in normal position. One of the best herbs is Fucur vesiculosis. This is a sea vegetable that contain natural iodine. Avenasativa is another herb that is used is to cure various diseases of the nervous system, as it is the best nervine tonic. Distributed in hypothyroidism, depression and anxiety and can therefore Avena sativa calming the atmosphere and contribute to restoring the brain's chemistry.

Another great ancient Indian medical system called Ayurveda suggests that forskohliiv Coleus is one of the most effective herbs that can bring blood pressure down, and the herb is as effective for hypothyroidism. Some of the otherHerbs that are part of wonderful positive results in hypothyroidism Acornus, Paonia Ginseng, Cinnamon and Poria Discorea.

One of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism gaining weight. It will be really difficult to treat hypothyroidism and obesity at the same time. Some of the herbs such as cayenne pepper, ginger and seaweed are great way to treat these two unfavorable conditions. The herb cayenne is used to treat various endocrine system related problems. These include hardeningHypothyroidism condition, as it helps increase the circulation of the blood and improves the body's metabolism, which is severely affected due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

In addition to the treatment of hypothyroidism with various herbs, natural remedies, but also the balanced healthy diet. One should restrict eating caffeine, sugar, excessive dairy products and refined foods. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables that contain calcium and magnesium are the best natural sources of helpThyroid back in its application.

Some of the healers and herbalists favor the nettle as an effective cure of several diseases, including hypothyroidism herbs. The Nettle contains sufficient quantities of iodine and iodine deficiency is the main condition under which that could hypothyroidism occurred. However, iodine can be also supplied with a common salt (iodized).

Some of the other herbs such as bladder wrack, moss, oat straw, Calamus root, parsley rootand watercress are the herbs that really help thyroid to produce enough thyroid hormone that the quality of product. Fortunately, these herbs are now available in the form of tablets or pills and supplements can be taken as a daily health or general health tonic. Essential fatty acids and flaxseed oils are also helpful in the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Related Articles:

Top rated thyroid supplement

How does L-Tyrosine relieve hypothyroidism symptoms?

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Monday, October 26, 2009

What Causes Gray Hair? Get Your Answer

Gray hairs caused by the pigment melanin in the hair follicle end means. Pigment cells are at the base of the hair follicle, the manufacture of pigments, which paved the way so far to the loss of original hair color all stations. Melonocytes the cells in the body to make melanin. Melanin is the main component responsible for the color of the hair. Melonocytes lose the ability to pigment, which is in the production, which causes gray hair.

What are the causes of gray hair, also depends on theHealth of a person. If a person does not get the nutrition diet leads to a lack of vitamins and protein, are the most important nutrients for the hair. Lack of vitamins, protein, iron, iodine, copper, and in the daily dose, which causes gray hair. People have now a day schedule, due to which they buy food from a cafeteria, do not want to buy nutritious food. The people are faced with stress in their jobs, they drink coffee and tea, to which aincrease the caffeine in the body. It is a further cause of gray hair. Additionally, caffeine reduced by the thirst people have no water and reduce water use in the human body.

Other causes of gray hair is long hours at work, which plays a major with body-cycle, when people do not do to relax and take enough rest. Processed Psychological stress, anxiety, jealousy, etc, these emotions in your head interfere with the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. In addition, wash hairdaily with hard chemical shampoos increases hair graying. Females visiting saloon for hair treatment like coloring, straitening and blow drying hair with chemical treatments more often leads to graying hair. Excessive uses of chemical to the hair, improper diet, and mental stress & hereditary are the main cause of the graying hair.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ablene Review - Ablene's Impact On Alleviating Crohn's Symptoms

Crohn's disease is a painful disease of the digestive tract and the gastrointestinal tract, more than one million people affected around the globe. It has several unpleasant symptoms. Create a drug free remedy Ablene was developed by scientists to those who suffer from Crohn's disease to help reduce unwanted effects.

What is Ablene?

Ablene is a new supplement specifically designed for patients with diagnosed Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome formulated. It wasformulated to provide nutrients to be forcibly opened with diarrhea, vomiting and fever to fill out again, only some of the symptoms associated with Crohn's disease. Ablene helps your body by supplying it with vital nutrients to recover back on track.

A major problem in Crohn's is intracellular nutrient deficiency which are ironically made themselves, ranging from several serious medical treatments. In this sense Ablene researched and produced as a nutrientSupplement to combat the effect of nutrient losses caused by Crohn's disease.

How Ablene works

Many people are prone to gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The main characteristics of having Crohn's disease include major weight loss, a significant loss of appetite, fever and rectal bleeding. These factors must be monitored and controlled, occurred for the safe recycling. Crohn's patients are recommended to reduce or eliminate the foods that cause allergies, such asCereals, artificial sweeteners, dairy products, fats and chocolate

Inflammation reduction. Ablene contains anti-inflamatories that the substances and enzymes that inhibit inflammation.

Quality nutrients. Ablene was developed to improve the quality of life in all people with the health of their digestive system will be improved. It does this by having enough of the right nutrients research showed an advantage for optimal health of the digestive system.


Ablene is a nutritional supplement formulated to supply the body with important nutrients lost due to a negative digestive system. Some of the important ingredients are: iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper. Extracts from these metals are in the regulation of the digestive tract Features Vitamins A, C, E and B complex is essential. Natural botanical extracts of olive, the cat's claw and licorice to protect the liver and help this organism fight viral and bacterial infections andTo reduce inflammation. Inositol, choline, L-glutamine and rutein. These help to control the unpleasant symptoms of the disease site.

These ingredients can be formulated in Ablene to reduce the symptoms of Crohn's disease associated with treatment with your doctor the program. Previous research shows the ingredients are present in Ablene of significant advantage in the successful fight against Crohn's disease and gastrointestinal disorders.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Causes of Thyroid Goiter and Iodine Treatment

A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid. The thyroid gland is at the base of the neck. It secretes a fluid that the hormone thyroxine, which regulates from iodine and tyrosine, an amino acid from s. The thyroid gland by the hormone thyroxine metabolism, or burning of food, growth and body temperature and affect mental and emotional balance, it is also a factor in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Thyroid disorders are caused by an inadequate intakeIodine, which is not present in sufficient thyroxine production or a failure to elsewhere in the body that needs to produce more thyroxine than the gland. Goiter can be caused by a lack of iodine in the diet, inflammation of the thyroid gland due to infection or under - or over-production of thyroxine of the thyroid gland.

The symptoms of goiter is a swelling at the base of the throat, hoarseness, change in the rate of metabolism, and in extreme cases, difficulties inSwallowing and breathing.

The treatment of goiter vary with the cause. If goitre is due to a lack of iodine, so that the intake of iodine is a further enlargement of the gland to prevent, reduce and in some cases, their size.

Vitamin A is essential for the proper metabolism of iodine, this vitamin is also essential for the proper functioning of the pituitary gland, a substance that regulates the thyroid gland secretes.

Tyrosine can notwithout vitamin B6 and C. Vitamin E intake of iodine. The increased use of iodized salt has helped to eliminate goiter in many places, where iodine does not occur naturally in foods.

Kelp is an excellent source of iodine, low sodium and is better retained by the body as potassium iodide.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

About the Thyroid

What Should I Care About My Thyroid?

Your thyroid is a bow tie shaped endocrine gland located directly below the larynx in the neck. It weighs less than an ounce and the hormones that separates them is essential to every cell and organ in your body. The hormones that help produce the thyroid gland, regulates body temperature and keep making energy.

The classification of goiter (using the Kilpatrik scale). There are 5 types of goiter. They are based on the ability to see the goiter, or the ability toto palpate it.

1. Level 0 - the crop is not visible, extended to the next, and it is not palpable.
2. Class 1 - the crop is not visible, but noticeable.
3. Class 2 - the crop is visible when the next one will be extended and if you swallow.
4. Grade 3 - the crop is visible in all positions.
5. Stage 4 - a large goiter

Who Gets thyroid disease? Risk Factors.

It is estimated that 10% of Americans have thyroid disease. Many people do not know they have this disease. You can be one of them. The following risk factors include thyroid disease.

• And women are 6 to 8 times more frequently than men.
• Since the age of 50
• a history of autoimmune disease suffer
• You have a family of thyroid disease
• Each operation in the neck
• The risk of suffering from an autoimmune disease increases during pregnancy and in the first year after birth.
• Smoking increases the risk.
• Excess (or> Deficiency) iodine
• Certain drugs, herbs and drugs
• Certain foods (broccoli, cabbage, radish and others)
• radiation, the neck (can receive treatment for cancer or accidental exposure, such as after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, belong).

The Right Way to Take Your Thyroid Medications

1. Take your thyroid medication on an empty stomach.
2. You can find these pills for the rest of your life to take, so do not be let to expire. Fill yourRecipe early.
3. Take it at the same time every day.
4. Store your tablets in their original packaging bottle and holds it firmly closed to keep.
5. Store your tablets in a cool place (below 80 degrees Fahrenheit).
6. Never store your pills in the bathroom or kitchen. Both areas are too warm and humid. The best place to store them in your bedroom.
7. Keep Keep all medications out of reach of children.
8. Never take your pill with milk or soy milk.
9. Never try to take your pillwithout liquid (water is probably best). Drink at least 8 ounces of liquid with your pill. These pills have a tendency to stick in the throat with a little liquid.
10. If you have trouble swallowing your pill you can break it and eat with a very small amount of applesauce.
11. Another option if you have trouble swallowing your pill is to chew your pill. Thyroid pills have very little taste.
12. Many other prescription drugs interfere with the absorption of your thyroidMedications. Take your thyroid medication for at least four hours either before or after any other prescription drugs. (this includes multi-vitamins and minerals and vitamins before birth.)

Call your doctor if

If you have a thyroid medication, you should know when you are taking your doctor. It is important to know the signs / symptoms that are important.

Call your doctor if:

1. They develop confusion.
2. Your heart beats too fast, too hard or feels likeIt is out of rhythm.
3. You have shortness of breath
4. You think your blood sugar level is too low (tremor, fatigue or sweating)
5. You lose weight without trying to
6. You have diarrhea without compensation by anti-diarrhea medication
7. You have nausea without compensation by medications for nausea.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not The Salt Of The Earth

When it rains, it rains .... Chemicals

Large companies dry salt in large ovens, where temperatures approach 1200 degrees F. This changes the chemical structure of salt as sodium chloride in the air, lost and converted into a gas. Salt is sodium chloride! All that remains is sodium hydroxide is: a well-known nuisance.

When salt is refined, extracted 82 of the 84 mineral elements. Why, if these elements are so good for you to do the salt refineries? Normally only7% of refined salt ends up on the table. The majority of the Salt great commercial value and is sold for industrial purposes.

As the high heat has all the essential minerals from salt, let's see what adds the man before he sells them for you:

Potassium iodide - prevent iodine deficiency in

Glucose - a type of sugar to stabilize the iodine

Magnesium carbonate - an anti-caking component

Aluminum silicate - to keep the salt porousand powdery .... Note the word "aluminum" and remember to work with Alzheimer's disease as aluminum is highly toxic to our nervous system and is not intended to be in our body.

A Science Test even a child can do

Want to know what is in your body, the chemical slurry that the big name manufacturers of salt?

Try this simple and quick test: Take a glass, through you and add a spoonful of your "production" can see salt. Add water, stir and leton the countertop overnight.

The next morning, what do you see? See "Salt" at the bottom of the glass? This is the nutrition and less chemicals mix, you load money spent in supermarkets. If there is a glass of water into the soil, where it will collect in your body to collect? If this is not the solution in the glass, it does not dissolve in your body.

Note: Real Salt dissolves.

Pass The Salt ... The Real Salt!

Before you only think of salt as"bad" and are responsible for high blood pressure, take a look at the benefits of Use:

Real Salt, strange as it may seem, is important for the regulation of blood pressure

Real Salt plays a crucial role in stabilizing irregular heart beat

Real Salt helps extract acid and toxins from the cells in our bodies: in particular, our brain cells

Real salt can dissolve calcium deposits make the issues of health in our bodies

Real Salt controls the volume of water in ourInstitutions that regulate the delicate balance between body fluids and cells, while maintaining electrolyte balance and

Real Salt is a strong antihistamine to help prevent muscle cramps and help clear congestion in the sinuses

Real Salt is essential in balancing the sugar in the blood

Real Salt is a natural and helps to regulate the hypnotic sleep

Is Real Salt Refined

What is really salt?

Sea salt, which has dried on the bank and put into bottles and jarswith minimal handling

Sponsored by Salt of the Earth and placed in bottles and jars with minimal handling

Have salt, which was not heat treated, and no chemicals added

The properties of mined salt and sea salt are: 84 different minerals. These minerals are found in our bodies. Think of the refined salt at the beginning of this article? 82 of the 84 minerals have been removed.

Loss of these minerals can create a malnutrition leading tosevere nervous system disorders, brain damage, muscle damage or other serious diseases. The minerals in real salt can help prevent cancer, fatigue, memory loss, rapid aging, obesity, water retention, ulcers, bad teeth and bones, decreased sex drive, and other serious illnesses.

Now, you still do the "fine" chemicals, which they call eating salt

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Iodine Deficiency Can Cause Cretinism - Prevent Cretinism From Happening to Your Child

Cretinism, for those who may not be really aware, shows insidiously in a child. Some parents might not notice the signs easily in their children. However, if detected and treated in time, you can curb Cretinism stop and give your child a better chance at a happier life.

What is cretinism?

Cretinism is a condition that is caused by the extreme hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy and childhood. The characteristics of cretinism include body atrophyGrowth and mental retardation. Hypothyroidism during the critical stages of development is very devastating to the central nervous system. Severe hypothyroidism in a fetus or a child could lead to mental retardation, one of the most devastating effects of cretinism. However, recognize early signs of hypothyroidism could prevent the permanent features of cretinism.

What are the causes cretinism?

Cretinism is the result of a congenital deficiency of thyroid diseaseGland. This condition is also known as congenital cretinism. It may come from the inability of the thyroid gland, sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, which are the development of a child due to a genetic defect is crucial to produce the thyroid gland itself.

The most preventable cause of cretinism is a lack of iodine in the diet. This type of cretinism is endemic cretinism. In contrast to congenital cretinism varied, the severity of endemic cretinism in the amount ofIodine in the diet. In some places where the soil is iodine deficiency, and sources of iodine are scarce cretinism whole populations have been observed trends.

Iodine, thyroid function, and cretinism

The mechanisms for the effect of thyroid hormones on the development of people are still not largely explains. However, it was found that a severe lack of thyroid hormone in fetal and child development stagesis largely devastating effect on the central nervous system development of the child.

Iodine is a trace mineral that is necessary for normal thyroid function. Small amounts of iodine in the bloodstream are trapped by the thyroid gland, which produce two hormones, which determine most of the metabolic rate of the entire body.

With a shortage of either iodine or thyroid hormone, the child is suffering from hypothyroidism, and in extreme casesCases of cretinism. Mental and skeletal growth is much slower compared to the soft tissue growth. If the child or infant is not diagnosed within a few weeks of mental disability is permanent.

Detect Hypothyroidism in children

Newborns can still be normal by the presence of maternal thyroid hormones in their bodies. But a few weeks after the birth of the baby's movements may become sluggish and start both the physical and mental growth, may be delayed. The babymay also apply for a longer time to sleep and the noise is weaker than most. Some parents may think that this quiet behavior in their children that they have a well-behaved child. It is always advisable to be cautious and consult a doctor immediately.

Hypothyroid infants can be identified either be treated with iodine if they are suffering from the early stages of endemic cretinism or thyroxine if the thyroid is damaged, is absent or unable to produce the necessary quantities of thyroidHormone. Treatment at any time usually leads to a return to a normal physical growth, but after a few weeks, despite treatment of mental retardation is already permanent.

Endemics cretinism can be prevented if the mother of foods eaten with adequate amounts of iodine. In some developed countries endemic cretinism has been eliminated by correcting the iodine deficiency in expectant mothers and their children. However, some cases of hypothyroidism, yet seemnow and again. It is for this reason that many countries now recognize the screen newborns for hypothyroidism, the full syndrome, before it is too late.