Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Iodine Deficiency Can Cause Cretinism - Prevent Cretinism From Happening to Your Child

Cretinism, for those who may not be really aware, shows insidiously in a child. Some parents might not notice the signs easily in their children. However, if detected and treated in time, you can curb Cretinism stop and give your child a better chance at a happier life.

What is cretinism?

Cretinism is a condition that is caused by the extreme hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy and childhood. The characteristics of cretinism include body atrophyGrowth and mental retardation. Hypothyroidism during the critical stages of development is very devastating to the central nervous system. Severe hypothyroidism in a fetus or a child could lead to mental retardation, one of the most devastating effects of cretinism. However, recognize early signs of hypothyroidism could prevent the permanent features of cretinism.

What are the causes cretinism?

Cretinism is the result of a congenital deficiency of thyroid diseaseGland. This condition is also known as congenital cretinism. It may come from the inability of the thyroid gland, sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, which are the development of a child due to a genetic defect is crucial to produce the thyroid gland itself.

The most preventable cause of cretinism is a lack of iodine in the diet. This type of cretinism is endemic cretinism. In contrast to congenital cretinism varied, the severity of endemic cretinism in the amount ofIodine in the diet. In some places where the soil is iodine deficiency, and sources of iodine are scarce cretinism whole populations have been observed trends.

Iodine, thyroid function, and cretinism

The mechanisms for the effect of thyroid hormones on the development of people are still not largely explains. However, it was found that a severe lack of thyroid hormone in fetal and child development stagesis largely devastating effect on the central nervous system development of the child.

Iodine is a trace mineral that is necessary for normal thyroid function. Small amounts of iodine in the bloodstream are trapped by the thyroid gland, which produce two hormones, which determine most of the metabolic rate of the entire body.

With a shortage of either iodine or thyroid hormone, the child is suffering from hypothyroidism, and in extreme casesCases of cretinism. Mental and skeletal growth is much slower compared to the soft tissue growth. If the child or infant is not diagnosed within a few weeks of mental disability is permanent.

Detect Hypothyroidism in children

Newborns can still be normal by the presence of maternal thyroid hormones in their bodies. But a few weeks after the birth of the baby's movements may become sluggish and start both the physical and mental growth, may be delayed. The babymay also apply for a longer time to sleep and the noise is weaker than most. Some parents may think that this quiet behavior in their children that they have a well-behaved child. It is always advisable to be cautious and consult a doctor immediately.

Hypothyroid infants can be identified either be treated with iodine if they are suffering from the early stages of endemic cretinism or thyroxine if the thyroid is damaged, is absent or unable to produce the necessary quantities of thyroidHormone. Treatment at any time usually leads to a return to a normal physical growth, but after a few weeks, despite treatment of mental retardation is already permanent.

Endemics cretinism can be prevented if the mother of foods eaten with adequate amounts of iodine. In some developed countries endemic cretinism has been eliminated by correcting the iodine deficiency in expectant mothers and their children. However, some cases of hypothyroidism, yet seemnow and again. It is for this reason that many countries now recognize the screen newborns for hypothyroidism, the full syndrome, before it is too late.

1 comment:

  1. After my thyroid lab result came back natural I still suffered from thyroid problem, then I discovered bovine thyroid . After a two weeks of taking these, I felt rejuvenated in the morning when I wake up. (something I had never felt before...ever.) I was no longer tired at the end of the day and now I can stay up past 9pm.
