Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What is a Goiter?

It means an enlargement of the thyroid, and in Latin, means guttur neck.
What is iodine deficiency goiter?

It is caused by a lack of iodine in the diet of vegetables and / or water. It belongs to the people in the hills, where the iodine content of the soil is limited, perhaps because the soil erosion caused by persistent rains, etc. So it is endemic, ie in such a place, can be swollen more than one person with the search for common neck as a consequencean enlarged thyroid gland. Specifically, the disease is called endemic iodine deficiency goiter.

Thus, if the food / water by persons in areas where iodine deficiency, the supply of iodine to the thyroid suffers, and there is constant pressure on the gland normal amount of hormones. As a result, the gland goes on increasing in size, and even its shape may be distorted, and it may be nodular, called multinodularGoiter. In its early stages can be only a smooth enlargement of both lobes of the thyroid, as in puberty goiter.

Therefore, one can say that the thyroid gland is very loyal to the body, so that even if there is a constant that inadequate supply of iodine to the gland, it comes to the delivery / manufacture / production of sufficient quantities of the hormones for the normal operation of the body, although the gland enlarges enormously.

One can think of when theThyroid gland is enlarged, it should be a corresponding increase in the production of thyroid hormones. But that is not always so, although in some cases the gland can turn toxic or hyper or hypothyroidism, but in some other cases, malignancy can develop, as in cases of multinodular goiter. Therefore, the size of the thyroid can not indicate the true pathology of the development in the gland.

Practical approach and guidelines for investigating a case of goiter and / or lonelyNode / s:

In any event the Struma and / or solitary nodule / s in the thyroid, one must look for the following:

(i) Is it malignant?

(ii) If treatment is required?

(iii) Is it cause hyperactivity or under activity of thyroid function?

All the above points were explained, and they are necessary to ensure that nothing goes undetected, and the specific treatment is not delayed.

Although an enlarged thyroid (goiter) can not disruptthe functioning of the body, but due to his expanded weight / size so it can the underlying trachea (windpipe) or esophagus press (food pipe), so that the patient is some difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Cosmetic factors, especially among women, should also be considered. Thus, a part of the thyroid gland may have to be surgically removed in selected cases.

Prophylaxis for endemic iodine deficiency goitre:

As a prophylactic measure in the endemicAreas, should apply to all ordinary people / children, iodized salt is used as a matter of routine.

Other causes of goiter

An enlargement of the thyroid can also persons who appear addicted to heavy smoking, and those that are about PAS (paraaminosalicylic acid) for the treatment of tuberculosis.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Congenital Hypothyroidism - An Endocrine Disorder Affecting Newborns

Congenital hypothyroidism is said to be an odd endocrine infection of the thyroid, which are almost 1 hit of 4000 children. These endocrine-infection is one minutes as butterfly gland, which is positioned in the anterior neck. This infection of the thyroid gland produces hormones that control the mental and physical growth of the body. When this infection occurs in infants it does not produce adequate levels of thyroid hormones. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine, or T3 or T4 are usually covered by theThyroid. In fact, multiple effects on thyroid hormone metabolism, most affected by organs of the body system.

The emission of thyroid hormones is stimulated by TSH, which is emitted by the pituitary gland, which in turn is issued in response to TRH, which is emitted from hypothalamus. Hypothyroidism, the child can result from the lack or by the abnormal growth of thyroid failure and the promotion of the thyroid by the pituitary gland, defective synthesis of thyroidHormones and destruction of the thyroid.

Causes of congenital hypothyroidism

Most of the congenital hypothyroidism cases occur at regular intervals, the error in the growth of the thyroid gland with results. Under these conditions, do not develop the thyroid gland in general, may have actually formed, developed in part or in the wrong place. The errors in the growth of the thyroid gland leads to damage to the functioning of the thyroid promoting hormones. Someof other congenital hypothyroidism cases are being developed as a result of autosomal recessive characteristics. If this case develops in infants may impair thyroid metabolism in the thyroid. Lack of iodine was once the most important factor for this type of disease. Credited with the full introduction of iodine in the diet, the number of deaths on the lack of iodine, has been significantly reduced.

Symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism

Most of theChildren with congenital hypothyroidism may exhibit some of the following symptoms: --

- Brittle hair or dry skin

- Low body temperature

- Decreased activity

- Exaggerated jaundice

- Irregular bowl movements or constipation

- Weak cry

- Poor muscle tone

- Weight gain or poor nutrition

- Excessive sleep

The above symptoms are often asymptomatic and are usually for the number of ignoredTimes. Because of this problem, it is very important that this type of interference from the screening test to identify the children.

Congenital hypothyroidism: treatment and outcome

How will a person comes to know that he or she has the symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism diagnosed, would be a lifelong treatment for the treatment of this disease is to replace the thyroid hormone therapy. This replacement therapy is known as levothyroxine, which is a syntheticRelease of thyroid hormones and can be found in the form of pills. These pills are very effective and hung up in the back of the tongue and the sick are also offered bottle, pacifier or swallowing chest to start. It is important to avoid a note to liquid preparations of this therapy in order to avoid possible variations in their administrations.

Infants should be monitored, as a rule to know whether the thyroid hormones is diagnosed by regular blood tests. This blood testmust be carried out every two or three months to three years. A pediatric endocrinologist is the authorized person who monitors the blood treatment and timing. If congenital hypothyroidism is left untreated, it can usually be cause stunted physical growth and mental retardation. And in the case of the treatment will be delayed as irreversible neurological problems are likely to be. Fortunately, when children start treating the disease once they develop normally andphysically.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thyroid Treatment - Thyroid Medication - The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland, which is known as the frontal end of the neck below the structure as "Adam's apple", is an essential part of the body. It is responsible for the production and secretion of a hormone called thyroxine. He absence of these in sufficient quantities in the body has a negative impact on an individual. One of them is a swelling in the neck, called goiter. A person with goiter lacks a defined amount of thyroxine in his body. The insufficient production of thyroxine canthe lack of iodine in the body. Iodine is an important initiator in the process of thyroid thyroxine production sectors to be connected has many functions.

Some of them are regulation of metabolism, influencing the growth in children and increases the smoothness of the other organs of the body. If they are disturbed an insufficient amount of thyroxin in the body, the metabolic processes and the result is a reduction in the optimal functioning of body organs oand the system. Children who lack a significant amount of thyroxine in the body, he may end always inhibited in their growth and development that affect the brain. This is popularly known as cretinism. If there is an insufficient amount of thyroxine produced as a result of the inability of the thyroid gland thyroxine, it says hypothyroidism. Hey can with various thyroid diseases apart from hypothyroidism may be infected. Other diseases may Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism,Inflammation of the thyroid gland, tumor, amyloidosis, and sarcoidosis. On the side it was pointed out hypothyroidism in women during pregnancy to increase after birth and during menopause.

The common features of these diseases is that they obstructed and tried to neutralize the thyroid gland. In thyroiditis, which is hereditary, the antibodies attack in a body and in the fight against the cells of the thyroid. Thyroxine deficiency in women is even more apparent when they are pregnant, just before delivery andPost-delivery. If it goes undetected, it is the cause of mental disability in the affected individual.One other form of illness that may be the thyroid is capable of the opposite of hypothyroidism. It is called hyperthyroidism. This is easy on the secretion of thyroid hormone known as thyroxin. Grave's disease, a form of thyroiditis is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Also called Graves-Basedow disease, it is found mostly in middle-aged women. Hürthle cell adenoma,Adenoma or thyroid, is another thyroid disease. The Hürthle cell is a large cell, and there are colored pink. Plummer's disease, a form of goiter, is one other common thyroid disease.
To treat a thyroid problem, it is always best to check with your doctor to see first and what the best treatment for you. If the doctor recommends medication, do not meet your expectations, there could be time to look into alternative thyroid treatments. Meaning, you have to take a good look at allnatural herbal treatment for your thyroid problem. Many times, a doctor recommended medication for thyroid problems are there so many chemicals that your thyroid problems become worse over time.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Child Health - How to Treat Autism With a Nutritional Perspective

I. Definition

A dietary supplement is also known as dietary supplements, it is as a form of dietary supplements, with the intention of providing nutrients for people, for whatever reason, is defined to a lack of food supplements such as vitamins, minerals are ready, fiber, fatty acids, amino acids, etc. Many countries define dietary supplements as foods, in others they are defined as drugs.

II types of dietary supplements andhow they contribute to the treatment of autism

A. Vitamins

a) Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in preventing the formation of free radicals and enhance immune system function. It is an important vitamin, because most children with autism have weakened immune systems, it is true that vitamin A helps to support immune memory and improve eye contact and behavior of children with autism if taking in combination with vitamin D.

b) Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B Complex is a vitamin family, including thiamine (B1),Riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) and choline. They work together to improve the function of the other, so a lack of vitamin B can reduce the effectiveness of the others. Vitamin B complex helps function of the nervous system and glands, through the creation of enzymes needed to improve the brain.

i) Vitamin B1

In addition to supporting the smooth functioning of the heart, it also helps to improve the emigration andFunction of the central nervous system cells in the transmission of information. Study shows that vitamin B1 has the help to improve the test results for children with autism. It may be in green, leafy vegetables like spinach and peas are found.

ii) Vitamin B2

It is also important, helps to build healthy DNA, it also helps to control mental function and stress, by increasing the production of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which improve a rare genetic defect in some children with themAutism.

iii) Vitamin B3

It is also important for the production of energy metabolism, but also contributes to an increase in cerebral blood flow, which negatively affects the risk of nervous symptoms such as emotional problems, irritability, memory loss, etc.

iv) Vitamin B6

It is said that vitamin B6 reduces behavioral problems, improved eye contact and attention span and learning abilities of children with autism, when working with magnesium.

Folic v)Acid

Folic acid is also known as Vitamin B9, it is in maintaining healthy brain, cell-DNA production and reproduction of crucial importance. Most children with autism are found, folate deficiency have, leading to neurological problems, including slow thinking, depression, memory loss and indigestion.

vi) Vitamin B 12

Besides helping to improve the inclusion of all essential nutrients in the body, but also improve the proper functioning of the nervous system and brainWork as they should, and therefore reduce the risk of nervous symptoms, including developmental regression, impaired memory, slow thinking, anxiety and depression.

c) Vitamin C

Besides the best known for its antioxidant in the fight against the formation of free radicals and bacteria and viruses, but also known for the crucial function of the brain. Some studies show that vitamin C helps to remove toxins from the body, and heavy metals accumulate in the brain. In some studies, vitamin Cincreased the IQ scores in normal and Down's children, and reduces confusion and depression in children with autism.

d) vitamin E

Study shows that vitamin E helps to improve verbal language for children with autism if taking along with omega 3 fatty acid.

B. minerals

a) Magnesium

Magnesium is important for the proper functioning of the brain and muscle cells of crucial importance. Study shows that magnesium has a significant positive impact on the behavior of children with autism if the removalTogether with vitamin B6. Magnesium can be found plenty of vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grain products.

b) Zinc Picolinate

Zinc is not only important to lower elevated levels of other minerals like copper, it also helps the function of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract to improve, which adversely affect the risk of nervousness and the increase of the digestive system to absorb vital vitamins and minerals.

c) calcium

It is also a very important mineralfor strong bones, it also plays an important role in neurological function in the transmission of messages. Lack of calcium causes nervous tension, leading to unpleasant dispositions, temper tantrums, muscle spasms and cramps, anxiety and insomnia.

d) Selenium

Selenium is also a key enzyme that prevents the formation of free radicals in the brain cells, it is also important for the production of glutathione, which helps eliminate the toxic metals and othersharmful man-made chemicals in our bodies.

e) Sulfate

Most children with autism have little or no ability to convert compounds to sulfate, resulting in the inability of the body in protecting the environment, produced against chemicals and some chemical substances in the body, leading to nervousness as a result of environmental toxins in some parts of the accumulated body.

g) Iodine

Iodine is for the regulation of normal thyroid function and the prevention of critical importancemental retardation. Most children with autism are found in order to have iodine deficiency, leading to behavioral problems.

f) potassium

Some children with autism may experience low muscle tone as a result of the lack of low levels of potassium in the body, or the inability of the body to absorb potassium, because of low levels of magnesium.

C. Other supplements

a) Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid that helps not only to calm the brain and inhibitsthe excitation of nerve cells, it also helps that blocks the excito-toxic effects of glutamate and aspartate, which is in reducing the risk of extreme hyperactivity and regression.

b) glutamine

It is a precursor of the antioxidant glutathoine. Besides helping to prevent excessive oxidation of cells, ie the risk of failure of the transmission of information by brain cells affected by reduced cell membranes, but also improves the digestive enzymes and probiotics on the gastrointestinal tract --Tract and thus restoring the integrity of the digestive system.

c) Glutathione

Glutathione is found in the liver, helps the liver to many harmful compounds from the bile detoxify. In addition to support to protect our body cells from oxidation and increase oxygen neorological function, it also fills the gastrointestine-intestinal tract.

d) Carosine

It is said that helps carosine, neurological functions, including behavior, language, eye contact and to improve theSpeech. Studies show that the inclusion of carosine helps improve the brain in the control of emotion, epileptic activity, cognitive, expressive language and abstract thinking for children with autism.

e) melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the method of our brain to be us going to sleep and generally used as a sleep aid medicine for children. Since most children with autism with behavioral problems, including sleep disorders, melatonin improves the combination of betterSleep, a better control of biological rhythms, and a high antioxidant activity. Is no matter how good it is still a kind of hormone, please contact with the children of doctors before using.


DMSA is an oral chelating agents to remove mercury and other metals from the body, including toxic heavy metals in the brain, which helps in improvement of social reciprocity for children with autism.

g) Coenzyme Q 10

Coenzyme Q 10 is an important addition to the maintenancea healthy immune system, it also helps to improve the neurological functions that are more and more oxygen to the brain and central nervous system, leading to rising energy prices as a result of the ATP energy cycle and the improvement of mental alertness.

h) Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, also contribute to the normal function of brain cells to receive, and the reduction of cholesterol in the bloodstream. it also constitutes an important role in increasing the attentionAnd improve the concentration span of children with autism. Essential fatty acids Omega 3 p.m. to 6 a.m. can be found in cold water fish, flaxseed oil, olive oil and nuts and seeds.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yeast Infection Treatment - Minerals

If you are from a yeast infection treatment, you do not really think of vitamins and minerals as something that you can to cure the infection to. But vitamins and minerals are an important part of your equipment functioning systems and must be harmonious or it will cause a perfect opportunity for the growth of candida albicans (yeast).

The body needs minerals for the maintenance of bones and blood, maintaining a proper composition of the fluids and maintaining a healthy nervous system.Minerals are divided into two types: bulk and trace.

Bulk minerals: include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur. Trace elements include copper. Fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc.

Often, the yeast infection sufferers to show certain mineral deficiencies. For example, a copper deficiency in yeast is encouraged. Copper is a natural fungus fighter used to spray fruits and vegetables. It is also of swimming pools has to delay the spread of fungi. Many prescription medications that have negative treatment on the body proper physiological balance of copper and therefore an important mineral yeast infection.

Contraceptive pill, steroids and antibiotics are three such drugs which deplete the body of copper and thus the yeast to grow unchecked.

Dr. Wilson's book links clearly riding a copper deficiency on the serious consequences of a yeast infection individual.

As mentioned above, a> Lack of chromium is also often associated with yeast infection affected. Chromium is an energizer and a blood stabilizer. It is believed that this mineral helps transport and add insulin to the cell walls. A person who has a chromium deficiency is long sugar, experience fatigue and mood swings have.

Yeast Infection stakeholders in search of a yeast infection treatment can greatly their health by achieving and maintaining proper levels of mineral water in the improvement of theirFacilities.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Hair Problems

The hair is very special characteristics of mammalian groups in animal kingdom. It has played a very important role in living things. People also have hairs that serves important role in their lives. From ancient times hair a symbol of beauty, men and women have been. People are now days spending a large part of their earrings for hair care.
People around the globe have passion for hair. And hair care industry is growing day by day to meet the requirements thatPeople

But first we should know what are hairs and how they grow

The hairs are outgrowths of the follicles on the skin. These follicles are located in the dermis, the second layer of the skin and extend to the skin, the outermost layer of the skin. Through this follicle their grows one hair. Hair is made of keratin with chemical constituents such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen.
Hair growth varies from person to person, but to aHair grows an average of approximately 5 to 10 mm per month. Maximum growth of hairs found at the age of about 15 to 30 years. It is evident that the hair grow longer in summer as compared to winter.

Scalp (skin on the head) consists of seven components. These are papilla of hairs hair shaft mouth of the follicle, stratum granulosum, sebaceous glands and oil channel. Hair also has a life cycle. First, hair grows from the follicle, then the hair in a fast-growing phase, then enters the hairThat means a stagnant phase, inactive phase, and then the hair dies and eventually crashed. An average life of hair varies 2 to 5 years.

Majorly hair problems are seen in the general life:

1. Hair Loss

2. Premature graying of hair

3. Alopecia

4. Shed

Hair Loss

A common disease worldwide, which has really created chaos around the world now a day. A common problem that has confronted the world as. New data show a tendencyHair fall has increased dramatically in the past two decades. Causes of hair fall are

· Lack of useful minerals and vitamins in the body

· Mental and emotional stress

· Long illness

· Hormonal imbalance commonly seen in hyperthyroidism, imbalance in androgen and estrogen.

· Usually after the birth of a child by a hormonal imbalance

• Certain medications such as blood thinners, vitamin A, when used in excess amount shall not, by birth control pills, antidepressantsDrugs and medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer patients.

Promote • Certain infections, hair loss for example fungal infection on the scalp may

· Diseases such as diabetes may also be a precipitating factor in hair loss.

Bad blood · or excess blood loss

· Malnutrition

· Lack of sleep and lifestyle disruption

· Heredity.

Premature graying of hair

Very common problem especially inYoung people now a day. By certain factors, there is early graying of hair in young people. Color into the hair by the amount of content in the body melalin provided. Melalin Other contents of the darker hair color and vice versa.
The following are the causes is due to the premature graying of hair.

· Faulty eating habits

· Lack of healthy sleep

· Stress

· Lack of minerals iron, copper and iodine

· Lack of vitamin B inNutrition

· Unsanitary condition of the hair maintaing

· Bad blood circulation to the scalp.

· Washing the hair with warm water

· Drying hair with electric dryer

· Use of chemicals such as hair dyes, shampoos

· Heredity.


Aloplecia is a synonym for baldness. There is, for many species.

1. Aloplecia androgen, or male pattern baldness - it is progressive thinning of the hair

2. Aloplecia areata, it is losssome hairs from the head

3. Aloplecia trotalis-it involves loss of all hair from the head

4. Aloplecia universalis - this is loss of all hair from the head and body

Causes of aloplecia

· Emotional stress

· Severe illness

· Hormonal changes

· Wrong Hair Care

· Exposure to certain medications such as antidepressants, blood-thinning drugs

· Ringworm can also cause aloplecia

· Fungal infection is alsoAnother reason that may occur through the aloplecia

Because · protein deficiency

· Iron deficiency can also lead to aloplecia


Dandruff is a condition of the scales of the scalp. It is as seborric dermatitis described in common terms, is the inflammation of the upper layers of the skin causing dandruff on the head and other body parts. Scales is shown if speed with which the scalp sheds dead cells and until their replacement rates. Regular dandruff appears aswhite or gray flakes in sever conditions can oily flakes, which contain yellow in color. Dandruff begins between the ages of 12 to 15 years, ie the age of puberty and is seen in old people. Most prominent age grouped people who are affected by people aged 25 to 35 years. Scales can be a part of the body with hair like eyebrows, cheeks, ears and chest

The following are the causes of dandruff are

· Hormonal imbalance

· Poor healthCondition

· Poor hygiene of the hair

· Allergic Reactions

· Emotional stress

· Consumption of high fat and carbohydrate diet

· Innutritious consumption of foods

· Hereditary factors

• The excessive use of chemicals on the hair like hair styling gels, colors, sprays, etc.

Cold dry weather

· In proper washing of the hair.

Some hair maintenance tips:

Take proper nutritious ·Nutrition

· Shampoo your hair regularly with non chemical base shampoo or mild herbal shampoo

· Always dissolve shampoo in water before using it.

Use · you use a conditioner after you shampoo

· Always rinse all the shampoo with clean and soft water

· Get your hair cut regularly to avoid split ends too

· Avoid using hair styling gels, hair sprays, chemical based hair colors

· Comb and brush your hair regularly

· Avoid usingelectric dryer and let them dry in the air

· Gentle massage hair should be regularly performed to improve blood circulation

· Avoid unnecessary stress

· Least a sound sleep for 6-8 hours

The oil should stay hair and scalp, not more than 2 hours.

Take · right amount of rest and about6-8 hours sleep.

Hair growth and maintenance of herbal remedies methods

Amla: A powerful hair growth promoter, which helps usRedefining our lost hairline. Since this herb is sheet virya ie cold potency it helps in suppressing pitta dosha, the main culprit in causing the hair and turn out is premature graying of hair. Indian women used to maintaing long and silky hair Amla for years and with every type of hair, a lot of problems. How it works on enhancing the activity of the liver, which is very important in the proper digestion, helps in creating a healthy environment in our body that lead to good growth of the WillHair and body. It is a well-established fact that Amla regularly, graying of hair may be slightly delayed, because it is a known Rasayan mentioned in ayurvedic texts.

Brahmi: a well-known herb that has been in India since time immemorial for the improvement of hair growth and storage uses power. Through his actions, the faster it helps in promoting hair growth. It has certain properties that occurred in repairing the damage will help in the hair follicle due to lack of maintenance and helps toNormalization of the damage, the lost persona discover hair again. This is the only reason why people still traces of Indian women, the very long, black hair and beautiful, in spite of age. It is also categorized as Rasayan in Ayurveda and thus has the properties to retard the aging characters in the body, such as graying of hair. Brahmi also helps in relieving mental fatigue and helps in maintaing proper bodily environment that is healthy for hair. Learn more about Brahmi

ZYXHerbal Hair Cream: a unique blend of Ayurvedic herbs that are very effective in hair problems. A total solution for hair and the associated problems. ZYX contain certain powerful herbs used for centuries to rejuvenate the lost person's hair damage. It contains herbs such as Amla, bhringraj, jatamansi, naleeni, Shikakai, mahendi, gambhari, Neem and satpodina. These herbs are largely in hair problems in the system of Ayurvedic medicine. It helpsin revitalizing hair and provides new freshness and new energy for hair and is therefore very helpful in the discovery of beautiful hair. This herbal formulation is completely free from any kind of side effects and chemicals that are the main cause of increase in hair problems at the present time. It helps us helps to hair loss, premature graying of hair, hair loss, dandruff and aloplecia. Its powerful herbal action helps you go in the registry of the day-to-day hair problems to make it shinyand healthier by the day. It also helps to promote through the stimulation of hair follicles. It can therefore be said that ZYX the new revolution in the industry, her hair all the problems disappear and you will be more confidence in themselves as never before, if your hair shiny and healthy. Read more about the cure for hair loss and hair solutions

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Atherosclerosis and Iodine Deficiency

The history of atherosclerosis and iodine deficiency is an interesting story. It starts with, such as the cholesterol hypothesis came.

The idea that atherosclerosis is caused by too much cholesterol in the diet began with a study of rabbits. In 1911, two Russian scientists rabbits fed a high cholesterol diet, and reported that after examining the arteries of the rabbits, they found severe arterial plaque developed.

More interestingly, in 1933, researchersrepeated these experiments rabbits cholesterol but decided to add different substances to see if they could prevent atherosclerosis. They divided the rabbits into several groups:

All the rabbits were fed a high cholesterol diet, which in the high cholesterol levels resulted in blood. The control group of rabbits was only given the high cholesterol diet. Experimental group 1: diet plus dried whole thyroid gland.Experimental Group 2: The diet plus thyroxine or T4(valium). Experimental group 3: The diet plus potassium iodide.Experimental Group 4 a.m. to 5 p.m.: diet plus potassium bromide and potassium chloride.

The results from each group were intriguing:

Cholesterol-fed rabbits developed aortic control marked atherosclerosis.Rabbits fed the cholesterol-rich diet and thyroxine (T4) showed mild to moderate aortic atherosclerosis. Rabbits fed cholesterol-rich diet, and either dried up or had no thyroid iodineatherosclerotic lesions. In the group of rabbits of potassium bromide or potassium chloride and cholesterol, all of the rabbits exhibited marked atherosclerosis. In other words, the efficacy of potassium iodide was not shared by potassium chloride or potassium chloride, then potassium was not a mitigating circumstance.

The study showed that the presence of the whole thyroid or iodine led to a significant decline in the development ofAtherosclerosis.

Currently, coronary heart disease the leading cause of death in the United States. The findings from the study may point to a lack of iodine in the American diet as a factor in this mortality.

Today, in the United States and around the world, iodine deficiency is a growing problem. In 1970, only 2.6% of the U.S. population is iodine deficiency. By 2005 this figure had risen to 16.5%.

This is inPart of the federal government and the medical staff to advise the American public to reduce consumption of salt. Since iodized salt is one of the main sources of iodine in the Western diet is, the effect of iodine as well as to reduce consumption.

Other sources of iodine deficiency is the reduction or elimination of iodine in the commercial bakery and dairy products are available in the late 60s and 70s in context.

In addition, bromine, which is toxic,People who will disrupt and replace it with iodine in the thyroid. The levels of bromide ingestion and exposure in the U.S. have increased sharply in the last 30 years.

For example, bromine in antibacterial agents, pesticides and fumigants can be found, and these substances are found in 40% of our food supply. The EPA says that the amount of bromine has increased in human breast milk 10 times in the last ten years.

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